baggy denim jeans

Baggy Denim Is Back In Trend and Is Here to Stay

Fashion trends are always changing, but one thing that is a staple in every closet is denim. Just a few years back, tight jeans and leggings were the talk of the town and now, baggy jeans are making their huge comeback. A deep sigh for everyone who is tired of wearing those tight uncomfortable jeans. Baggy denim jeans or puddle pants for some have been the new black for quite some time now. The baggy jeans trend was very popular during the 1990s to early 2000s and now it is back better than ever.  When Did Baggy Denim Jeans Make …

summer footwear styles

Top 5 Must-Have Summer Footwear Styles for 2021

Change of season brings on a 360-degree change of your complete wardrobe. The transition from winters to summer doesn’t only get you to bid adieu to your beloved jackets and sweaters but also to your favorite leather shoes and boots. Summer season is upon us and one of the best things about summer dressing is that you can experiment with vibrant colors, playful designs, and funky prints.  For summer 2021, the footwear will not only be about those trendy styles but embracing your unique style with a touch of fun! Out of the hundreds of trending styles, We’ve curated a …

How did 2020 change the Fashion Industry Trends?

2020 was the year of unprecedented changes for everyone across the globe. It brought a lot of fundamental changes to the fashion industry. Most of these shifts were the direct outcome of the catastrophic Covid-19 pandemic that still has the entire world under its clasp. Preventive measures to curb the spread of virus-like travel restrictions, social distancing, isolation, event cancellation, and closure of businesses further crushed the fashion industry and influenced the fashion trends 2020. It won’t be an overstatement to say that every sector in the fashion industry experienced unprecedented challenges. Of all the consumer goods industries, the fashion …